
2024-01-17 09:30:02 留学问答 来源:管理员

1. 山东大学国际留学生招生的基本要求是什么?


  • 教育背景:申请者必须具有与中国高中毕业证书相当的教育背景,且该证书必须经过公正认证。
  • 语言能力:申请者需要提供有效的英语水平证明,如托福、雅思成绩单。对于非英语授课专业,还需要提供汉语水平考试(HSK)成绩。
  • 健康状况:申请者需要提交健康体检报告,并确保身体状况符合入境和学习要求。
  • 其他材料:申请者还需提供个人简历、推荐信等相关材料。具体要求可参考山东大学官方网站上的招生信息。

2. 如何申请山东大学国际留学生项目?

To apply for international student programs at Shandong University, follow these steps:

  1. Create an account:
  2. Create an account on the official website of Shandong University and complete the registration process.

  3. Choose a program:
  4. Select the international student program you wish to apply for and carefully read the requirements and application materials.

  5. Prepare application materials:
  6. Gather all required documents, including educational certificates, language proficiency test scores, health examination report, personal statement, recommendation letters, etc. Make sure they are properly certified or notarized if necessary.

  7. Submit online application:
  8. Fill out the online application form with accurate information and upload all required documents in digital format. Pay attention to any additional instructions provided by the university.

  9. Pay application fee:
  10. Pay the non-refundable application fee as specified by Shandong University. Keep a record of your payment for future reference.

3. 山东大学国际留学生项目的奖学金政策是什么?


  • CSC奖学金:CSC(中国政府奖助计划)奖学金是由中国政府设立的全额资助项目,面向优秀外国留学生。
  • SISU 奖助计划:SISU(山东大學國際學術交流中心)提供的部分或全额奖学金,根据申请者的综合素质和表现评定。
  • 山东大学自主招生奖学金:由山东大学设立的奖学金项目,面向优秀留学生。申请者需在入选后按要求进行相关工作。

4. 山东大学国际留学生项目是否提供住宿?


  • 校内宿舍:国际留学生可以选择在校内宿舍居住。各个宿舍楼配备基本设施,并提供网络连接、洗衣房等便利条件。
  • 外部租房:如果希望独立居住或与其他同伴共同租房,也可以选择在校外租房。但需要注意签订合法合规的租赁协议,并遵守当地法律法规。

5. 如何适应山东大学及中国文化环境?

To adapt to Shandong University and the Chinese cultural environment, consider the following suggestions:

  • Cultural immersion:
  • Engage in cultural activities, join student clubs or organizations, and participate in local events to immerse yourself in the Chinese culture.

  • Language learning:
  • Take advantage of language courses offered by the university or language centers to improve your Chinese proficiency. Practice speaking with locals as much as possible.

  • Making friends:
  • Interact with both international and domestic students to build friendships and learn from each other's cultures. Participate in social activities on campus.

  • Exploring the surroundings:
  • Explore the city of Jinan and its surroundings during your free time. Visit historical sites, try local cuisine, and experience traditional customs.
