
2024-01-18 10:30:02 留学问答 来源:管理员

1. 申请表和个人材料


  • 护照:有效期至少还有6个月,并且有至少两页空白页。
  • 照片:两张近期彩色护照尺寸照片。
  • 在读证明:如果你是在校学生,需要提供最近的在读证明。
  • 录取通知书:如果已经被意大利院校录取,需提供正式的录取通知书。

2. 财务能力证明


To prove your financial capability, you need to provide the following documents:

  • Bank statements:You should submit bank statements for the past six months to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to cover your tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs during your stay in Italy.
  • Scholarship or sponsorship letter:If you are receiving a scholarship or being sponsored by someone else, you need to provide a letter stating the details of the scholarship or sponsorship.

3. 健康证明


To obtain an Italian student visa, you need to provide a health certificate. This certificate should be issued by a recognized medical institution and state that you are in good health and free from any contagious diseases.

4. 住宿安排


You will also need to provide documents related to your accommodation arrangements in Italy:

  • Housing contract:If you have already secured accommodation, such as renting an apartment or staying in a university dormitory, you should submit the housing contract.
  • Proof of payment:You may also need to provide proof of payment for your accommodation, such as bank statements showing rent payments or receipts from the landlord.

5. 其他材料和注意事项





